Take some time to clear your mind.

For whatever reason, I’ve felt kind of down this week. Very unusual for me since I’m normally so happy that I’m bouncing off the walls. I was feeling unhappy, angry, sad, and stressed. There was a huge knot in my stomach and chest. Why? I’m not exactly sure. Sometimes we have these feelings and we cannot explain them. That’s ok. The important thing is not to push these feelings away and to acknowledge them instead. I knew I was having these feelings and knew I needed to do something to help myself. I got out of the house, went to run an errand and and on my way, realized that I would be passing Houghton’s Pond – one of my favorite places outside of the city. It is so peaceful and beautiful there. I decided to stop.

Houghton's Pond

Take some time to clear your mind.

I kid you not, even as I just thought about going, some stress lifted off of me. Once I got there, I sat by the pond and did some meditating. Then I said aloud 3 things I was grateful for, 3 highlights of my last week, and 3 things I’m looking forward to this week. We often get so tied up in our emotions that we forget to take a step back and recognize the good in our lives. Stating these few things made me feel 1000x better almost immediately. So next time you’re feeling down, I encourage you to find your Houghton’s Pond, your happy place. Embrace your emotions. Cry or scream if you need to but then think about the good. I’d bet it outweighs the bad.

Relax, renew, rejoice.

What are 3 things you’re grateful for? 3 things you are looking forward to this week? 3 highlights of your past week?

Stress-Free Holiday Hosting

It’s finally that time of year…the long awaited holiday season. With the holiday season comes lots of dinners, get-togethers, and parties. If you’re hosting one of these events, it’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed. Have no fear, with these basic guidelines, you’ll do great.

Fit U's stress free hosting

1. The guest list. Make your guest list and let your guests know about the dinner a week in advance. Everybody has busy schedules so the earlier you let them know, the better. Aim to get all RSVP’s at least 2 days in advance.

2. Tonight’s Special. Depending on the type of party you’re throwing, decide on your menu. Will you need a three course meal for a dinner party? Just some basic appetizers and desserts for a get-together? Choose foods that are relatively easy especially if you’re cooking for a large group. Take a look at my Pinterest board for healthy food ideas.

3. Make your grocery list. Based on the number of people that have RSVP’d, decide how much food you will need to make. Head to the store a few days in advance to get everything you need.  *Hint: It’s always better to overestimate how much food you’ll need. There’s nothing worse than a dinner party with no dinner. If there’s leftovers, you get to eat delicious food for the next few days. You can’t lose.* 

4. Start early. Try to do as much as possible the day before your guests arrive. Chop veggies that will be cooked the next day, marinade your meat, assemble appetizers, set the table. The more you can get out of the way, the better.

5. Don’t fret. When the day arrives, don’t stress…there’s no need. It’s been smooth sailing up until this point so don’t get rocky now. Give yourself enough time to cook and get completely set up before your guests arrive. Give yourself another 20 or 30 minutes to get ready yourself.

6. Enjoy yourself. It’s easy to get into a frenzy when you’re the host but do your best to avoid this. Nobody wants a host that’s running around frantically. Don’t worry about cleaning up every crumb as it hits the floor, you can get to that later. Enjoy your friends, enjoy your family, enjoy your food, enjoy your evening. The party isn’t only for your guests, it’s for you too!

What do you do to prepare for a party?

Are you hosting any holiday parties this year?