Take some time to clear your mind.

For whatever reason, I’ve felt kind of down this week. Very unusual for me since I’m normally so happy that I’m bouncing off the walls. I was feeling unhappy, angry, sad, and stressed. There was a huge knot in my stomach and chest. Why? I’m not exactly sure. Sometimes we have these feelings and we cannot explain them. That’s ok. The important thing is not to push these feelings away and to acknowledge them instead. I knew I was having these feelings and knew I needed to do something to help myself. I got out of the house, went to run an errand and and on my way, realized that I would be passing Houghton’s Pond – one of my favorite places outside of the city. It is so peaceful and beautiful there. I decided to stop.

Houghton's Pond

Take some time to clear your mind.

I kid you not, even as I just thought about going, some stress lifted off of me. Once I got there, I sat by the pond and did some meditating. Then I said aloud 3 things I was grateful for, 3 highlights of my last week, and 3 things I’m looking forward to this week. We often get so tied up in our emotions that we forget to take a step back and recognize the good in our lives. Stating these few things made me feel 1000x better almost immediately. So next time you’re feeling down, I encourage you to find your Houghton’s Pond, your happy place. Embrace your emotions. Cry or scream if you need to but then think about the good. I’d bet it outweighs the bad.

Relax, renew, rejoice.

What are 3 things you’re grateful for? 3 things you are looking forward to this week? 3 highlights of your past week?

Ignoring the bigger issue

In a recent Huffington Post article, the writer discusses how “Jennifer Lawrence body-shames you more than you realize.” She writes how J-Law can get away with bashing diets because she is already slender while Melissa McCarthy, an overweight actress, could not.

When Jennifer Lawrence says it’s “dumb” to go hungry to make other people happy, she’s saying it with the carefree attitude of a woman who probably will never have to make that choice to conform. Yes, she’ll be asked to diet for a role, and she feels the same pressure to meet cultural expectations as everyone else. But a woman who looks like Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t have to shop for her clothes in online stores because no physical storefronts carry her size. A woman who looks like Jennifer Lawrence probably isn’t going to have a stranger try to stage an impromptu intervention in a Pizza Hut because they’re so, so concerned for her “health.”

Jennifer Lawrence

Click to read the full article

Here is my response:

While I do agree the double standard that Jennifer Lawrence gets praised for eating McDonald’s while Melissa McCarthy would get shamed is wrong, I think there is a bigger issue here. The issue is that we are ignoring the problem of health. Of course all women are real women whether they have curves or no curves, boobs or flat chested, short or tall, wide or slim. But by ignoring the issue of being overweight or obese, we are encouraging extreme health problems. That issue cannot be ignored, it must be addressed.

One thing that someone told me when I began to lose weight was “you might be a little hungry at times.” A little hunger is okay as long as you’re not starving yourself. You shouldn’t be starving yourself to lose weight, you should be adjusting your food intake and adding exercise to your daily routine.

I do agree that all women are beautiful in their own way and it is very important to recognize all body types as beautiful. However, it is also very important to recognize that if you need to shop for clothes online because they are not available in store, some changes should probably be made to achieve weight loss. Being that overweight will lead to health problems if you do not already have them.

Everybody is built differently and is beautiful in their own way. The important thing to focus on is not how one looks but on their health.

Fit U’s Healthy Thanksgiving Meal

In just a few days, we will be gathering around the table with friends and family to eat a TON of delicious food. We tend to attribute delicious unhealthy…who says it needs to be that way? A few days ago I made a “Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner” and thought I’d share the recipes with you. It’s not expected for everything to be healthy at the table of Thanks but if you can substitute one unfit dish for a fit one, why not? 




Nom Nom Paleo’s Cran-Cherry Sauce

Fit University’s Easy Roasted Veggies

Cave Girl In The City’s Paleo Apple Crisps

ValedFITorians – Ma & Dave

This week we have 2 ValedFITorians…my mom & Dave!


They were cooking up a Fit U approved dinner of sauteed escarole & Dave’s famous salmon. Escarole provides dietary fiber, vitamins A & C, and plenty of antioxidants. Salmon provides tons of protein and most importantly, omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that help reduce inflammation, reduce risk of heart disease, and boosts brain productivity, among many other benefits. So when you eat salmon, you get 100% of the benefits with 110% of the flavor!


What are you cooking for dinner tonight?

The inevitable rut and how to get out of it.

Sometimes we fall into a bit of a rut. There’s no real rhyme or reason for it but it happens. The most important thing we can focus on is not why we fell into that rut but how we can get out of it. This task often seems impossible. But, hey, nothing’s impossible right?


Don’t end up like this guy with no way out.
[Click for source]

1. Evaluate. Haven’t been to the gym in two weeks? Having pizza for dinner one too many nights the past month? Lacking any fun in your life? In order to fix a situation you must acknowledge where it currently stands.

2. Set goals.  Once you’ve figured out where you are, figure out where you want to be. Set a goal. Set two. Be able to state those goals out loud.

3. Re-evaluate. You have your goals set. Now how will you reach those goals?  Make an appointment with yourself and the gym, pick up some vegetables at the grocery store, find a new hobby. Whatever it is you need to do, get moving in some way in an effort to reach your goals.

4. Have fun along the way. The best way to reach your goals is to have fun getting there! Try a new form of exercise, discover a new recipe of your own, try a hobby you would never expect yourself to try. Grab some friends and make an event out of it. Have a blast!

What are your goals?

What do you do to get out of a rut?

Find Your Fun!

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I’m currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. The author takes a year making small changes to make her life happier overall. So far it is a fantastic book and I highly recommend it. One of the topics she focuses on is fun. She notes that “people who have more fun are twenty times more likely to be happy.” 

So I ask you…what do you do for fun? Don’t be alarmed if you can’t think of an immediate answer. If you can’t figure out what you do for fun, it’s time to start experimenting and finding your fun. 

Whether it’s horseback riding, playing scrabble, baking, reading, hang-gliding, just find your fun….the happiness will follow!  

A Letter to “Skinny Fat Girl Diary” – Candy Control

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Today in my email, I received a post from Lauren Conrad as I usually do. The post was labeled “How to Make Healthy Halloween Candy.” What a fantastic idea! I love candy…who doesn’t? But Halloween throws a TON of it right under your nose so to see some alternative treat recipes was awesome. However, the opening paragraph of the post did not sit well with me. I’d like to share it with you:

Dear Diary,

Halloween is a bittersweet time for us at the Skinny Fat Girl Diary… While we love the creativity the holiday inspires; we secretly fear how accessible candy bars, caramel corn and gummy worms become.  Even a recent trip to the doctor’s office tested my resolve with a bowl of Tootsie Rolls. Don’t get us wrong, we love to indulge, but we don’t have the self-control to say no to sweets. This feels like an “us” issue, but we have a feeling we aren’t alone…

Dear Skinny Fat Girl Diary,

I’ll agree that you’re not the only ones with the issue of self control. Tons of people struggle with it. I struggle with it. I’ve gotten pretty good at stopping myself when I’m full, though I do slip every once in a while. Hey, nobody’s perfect. But just because you “don’t have the self-control to say no to sweets,” doesn’t mean you can’t learn to have that self control.

What is self control exactly? It’s exactly what it sounds like. You have control over yourself. You decide what goes in to your body. You know how it will affect you. Before you delve into that pound of candy you collected, think to yourself if it’s really worth it. Let’s be honest… you’re just going to end up with a stomach ache, a sugar high, and possibly, a few cavities. What fun is that?

Halloween is quickly approaching. You don’t have to say no to sweets altogether. It is so incredibly important to learn self control instead of just pushing it away. You can’t fix an issue if you don’t address it. There is no need to “fear” candy bars, caramel corn, and gummy worms. Enjoy them! But don’t over indulge. Make yourself a small Halloween bag full of your favorite candies and allow yourself a little treat. Eat those few candies and truly savor their flavor. When you gulp down handfuls of candy at a time, are you really enjoying the flavor? Probably not.

I will definitely be making your healthy Halloween candy and I love that you are encouraging healthy alternatives. It is just important to note that a little “unhealthy” candy every now and then won’t kill you 😉


Fit University